I see that you’re nervous, and I’m right here with you. vs. Why are you nervous?! There’s nothing to be…
In my experience of the past half-a-dozen years, the 10th of December is always an exhausting day. The seeds for…
We’ve always been a nomadic family! It started with taking our 4-month-old on his first flight to the sunny beaches…
With school being physically shut since March, I’ve been fretting and fuming in bursts about what kind of learning…
I’ve never been a morning person. It’s a personality trait that I’ve grown up with. All through my adolescent years,…
He’s having trouble with his lessons. It’s because… I don’t spend enough time with him. He’s not making the right…
..there has been one recent major life-event that has really helped me to rediscover my inner child.
My child gave birth to…another child!
Have you had a moment in your motherhood journey that defined you?
There will be advice thrown at you, especially in India where all aunts, neighbours, and even strangers on the street, feel they have certified information about child rearing to share. Don’t just go with the flow, arm yourself with knowledge and make sure you’re doing what is best for your child and you
To help calm your pregnancy fears, I spoke to 19 moms who have been-there-done-that. They all felt the anxieties that come with those baby kicks, and overcame them.